Saturday, July 23, 2011

Currently Listening to:

(In no particular order)
1. The Givers- In Light
2. TV on the Radio-  Dear Science
3. TV on the Radio- Nine Types of Light
4. Bon Iver- Bon Iver
5. Times New Viking- Dancer Enquired
6.Dawes- Nothing is wrong
8.Horse Feathers-Thistled Spring
9.Lykke Li- Wounded Rhymes

I will review some if not all of these when I have the time, but if you are reading this go out and buy the albums they are spectacular and they are about the only thing that is keeping me sane right now.


I am not trying to garner any sympathy, but the bar is making me insane.  One day I am convinced that I will pass the test and the next I am sure I going to fail.   I can't take these swings anymore.  Thankfully for good or bad the test is only four days away.  I just want this to be over so that I can actually experience life away from school.  That is right folks  I do not have a single memory of myself that does not involve being a student.  Twenty-one years is a long time to devote to something and I am spent.  Ok glad that the venting session is over! That is the one and only time that you will hear me complain about the bar.  Enjoy the weekend and I will see you when I am on the other side of this beast.